In 1996, Neve Campbell, Fairuza Balk, Robin Tunney and Rachel True brought witchcraft to high school in the teen horror flick, "The Craft."
With Halloween around the corner, we're counting down the days by posting five fun facts about our favorite fright flicks.
Let's get to it!
1. Tunney wore an orange-blonde wig throughout filming because she had shaved her head for her role in "Empire Records," which wrapped up filming only a month before production of "The Craft" began.
2. Balk is a Wiccan in real life, and she even owns a pagan store -- the same one she frequented to do research for her role as Nancy.
3. Several creepy interruptions disrupted the filming of the infamous invocation scene. A colony of bats descended on the group and massive waves rolled onto the beach and extinguished the burning candles. Also, when Nancy was calling for the spirit to "fill her," the power went out.

4. The scene where Nancy has bugs crawling all over her required two steps to produce. First, Balk was wrapped in green screen material and bugs were filmed crawling over her face. Then, she was filmed without the bugs, which were digitally imposed onto her face.
5. Wicca consultant Pat Devin acted as "The Craft's" technical advisor. She urged producers to use a fictional deity to avoid offending true Wiccans -- thus, "Manon" was born.
So, what happened to the rest of the movie's bewitching cast? Click "Launch Gallery" above to see what they look like now ... and what they've been up to since 1996!
Plus, click here to see them reunite at a cemetery screening of the film last year!
Still looking for some last minute costume ideas? Check out our video featuring the best and worst celeb costumes from the past few years below!