The ugly side of some of the Houseguests started to emerge this week on "Big Brother" as the bros were kept squirming on the block leading up to the Veto competition.
When you're forced to live with people you don't necessarily like day in and day out, and the cameras are always rolling, you're not always going to present yourself in the best light. We all have our not-so-proud moments, and it was the bros who were put to the test this week after Head of Household Scottie nominated them side by side for eviction.

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View StoryWinston and Brett have been BFFs in the house virtually since the beginning, nearly inseparable. From a purely strategic standpoint, Scottie is right to consider them a huge threat moving forward in the game. And on a season where everyone is playing super hard from Day One, it's no surprise that he decided to go for making a big move this early in the game.
What was perhaps more surprising was how poorly the bros handled themselves in their frustration. It's okay to be angry and get all fired up, but they used bullying tactics on both Scottie and Kaitlyn, who is coming out of her own controversial HOH run that featured a big move last week, and Winston even went so far as to directly threaten Scottie.
We're going to run this season like you'd run a department store. Each product, or celebrity, may have come in with equal value, but pretty quickly you start to see that certain ones aren't working. First, you try discounting them to see if they can turn things around and become solid performers again. But if that doesn't work, it's time to put them on clearance so you can sell them out (the door). With that said, let's take a look at our inventory, ranked from our strongest performer to our weakest ... after we spotlight a couple of new items in stock.

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View StorySPOTLIGHT ITEM: Power of Veto
The hopes of the bros, and their Level 6 alliance, rested in the Power of Veto competition. Going into it, they had the numbers stacked in their favor with Rachel and Tyler joining the bros to compete against Scottie and Rockstar. Or at least, that's what they thought. Tyler made it absolutely clear this week that he is playing his own game, working both sides of the house, and wasn't ready to reveal his cards just yet.
Unfortunately, it was worst case scenario for the bros as Winston was the proverbial bull in a china shop in this champagne glass stacking (while dizzy) competition, and Brett stupidly forgot to keep track of his time and simply eliminated himself from competition. Tyler threw it, and Rachel just couldn't keep up with beast-mode Scottie, who secured total power over his nominations this week.
Immediately after Scottie nominated the bros, Winston started muttering derogatory and bullying words around like "dweeb" and "dork." Clearly, the social strata of high school was still in his mind, and honestly, it's been dominant throughout this summer on "Big Brother." That's a drawback of casting so young, unless Julie Chen and CBS want kids in their 20s acting like they're still in high school. Is that good TV?
When Scottie tried to give the bros a chance to talk one on one, Winston admitted in a confessional that he was so heated he might regret his words. He did come across a little aggressive. "I respect it. It's a big move," he told Scottie. "I just want you to know, you drew a line in the sand, you're gone next week. Zero questions asked, you just wrote your own eviction, so good luck. You better hope I go home."
Later, he and Brett came up with this brilliant idea to try and convince Scottie to throw Kaitlyn under the bus and backdoor her onto the block, but Kaitlyn had a "hit" in the middle of the night; a vision that the bros had approached Scottie this way. When he didn't deny it, she confronted them. In response, Brett totally mocked her beliefs in the spiritual realm and her visions during his "save me" speech. Not a good look, bros.

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Tyler (even) continues to play a masterful game, despite having no power or influence this week. He finally admitted to viewers that he is playing every side of the house right now; just keeping his cards close to his chest. With a house so aggressively divided, there's a decent chance he'll be able to play this way for weeks to come until the winning side is clear and he just slides right into it. It's an impressive early game, for sure.
Scottie (up 5) backed up his bold nominations with a dominant Veto performance, securing total power for himself. He has absolutely drawn a line in the sand, and the bros are coming for him, but unless something crazy happens, only one of them will be left. Their Level 6 alliance is already fractured, with Tyler not fully committed, so Scottie may have the numbers to survive his big move.
Bayleigh (down 1), Faysal (down 1), Haleigh (down 1) and Rockstar (down 1) make up the misfit alliance, former members of F.O.U.T.T.E. and other outsiders who've come together and surprisingly begun to run the early weeks of this competition. Fearless against the "cool kids," they've proven tough competitors and bold players who don't fear big moves. Their alliance is painfully obvious, but for the time being, it doesn't really matter.
Kaitlyn (up 3) moves up in the rankings a bit because she perceived the backdoor plan against here and stood up for herself, confronting it head on. By becoming an enemy of the bros, Kaitlyn appears to have earned some forgiveness and trust back within the F.O.U.T.T.E. alliance. Victims of bullying often sympathize with one another and build stronger bonds, so Brett coming after Kaitlyn's beliefs in his Veto speech might just unite the social misfits completely.
JC (even) and Sam (even) remain non-factors in the house, and neither are rocking the boat. We're feeling pretty confident that Sam considering using her Power App on Brett is just production manipulation. Sure, we saw a scene of her sympathizing with him, but there's no evidence they're close enough for her to offer to save him this week. Plus, as someone who felt ostracized early in the game, it's hard to imagine her supporting the bros' behavior this week.

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Angela (even) and Rachel (even) haven't really rocked the boat, but they were both laughing it up when Brett mocked Kaitlyn at the Veto meeting, and rolling their eyes and going right along with the bros calling Scottie names. Their "mean girl" side was showing to us at home, so we can only imagine how much the other Houseguests are perceiving. And if the social outcasts are rising to power, that's not a good sign for those who would try to set themselves up as superior to them.
Brett (even) and Winston (even) both showed insensitive and abhorrent behavior this week, bulling and mocking both Scottie and Kaitlyn. It's unclear how sensitive the rest of the house might be to their behavior, but at least Kaitlyn and the remaining F.O.U.T.T.E. members are going to remember, and they'll be the larger alliance after this week. Unless Sam does something crazy, Level 6 will be down to five after Thursday's eviction, and Tyler might start courting other options.
The next HOH win is a crucial one and could once again shift the course of the game.
"I want to break his face, dude. Freaking dweeb." --Winston (showing his bully side after getting nominated)
"What you need to do is separate yourself from him for a hot minute and start telling people why you should stay over him." --Kailtyn (to Winston, who thinks it's too soon for that)
"Winning this veto would be really stupid for my own personal game, because I really feel like I have a good relationship with Scottie. But I don't want anybody to know I'm throwing this thing." --Tyler (playing the middle)
"Winston, man, is just coming at these glasses like he's in a bowling alley." --Tyler (critiquing Winston's overly-aggressive approach to a competition of finesse)
"I feel like an idiot!" --Brett (after letting his time run out during the veto competition)
"I'm pissed off. Brett lost, I lost and the dork won." --Winston (showing his bully side again)
"I have the power to keep my nominations the same this week. Now all I have to do is sit back, relax and watch the bro-down." --Scottie
"It has a bit of an Australian accent, but we are just going to role with it." --Haleigh (putting on her "best" Shakespearean accent for her Crap App punishment)
"I cannot sit through this. I've got things to do. I have a meeting at 4, I've got to take the kids to soccer at 6." --Tyler
"It's kind of based on 'The Lion King' if you think about it." --JC (giving his review of "Hamlet," and getting it totally backward)
"I am like 90 percent love and light and 10 percent 'Go f--k yourself!' and we are reaching like a 10 percent that I was incapable of knowing. It needs to be so clear that he is f--king with the wrong intuitive bitch. Like are you confused that I see color and have dreams and get hits." --Kaitlyn
- "Oh Scottie. Sweet, sweet Scottie.
- Your arms are large like a honey-glazed ham
- Your chest burly like a big, big man
- Your eyes captivating like the sea.
- (incoherent screaming and shaking)
- I just had a vision. You're supposed to take me off.
- Now is the time. Scottie. Take me off." -- Brett (totally mocking Kaitlyn in his "save me" speech)
"Big Brother" airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET, Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET and Sundays at 8 p.m. ET on CBS.