The first eviction of the season is preceded by a twist that has the Houseguests questioning what is reality and a surprise second POV competition.
You got us, "Celebrity Big Brother," or you just twisted your way out of your secrets potentially getting spoiled. This week, we've had five people on the block and two people leaving the house.
"I'll just say this, nothing is as it seems," Julie told us before revealing the big twist of the night that certainly appeared to have to do with Anthony Scaramucci sightings outside of the house earlier this week. Many of those media reports speculated that he'd quit the reality show, but that may not be the case.

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View StoryIt turns out, the Mooch was the Mole and only in the house as a temporary subterfuge (that lasted over a week). Are we sure this isn't them coming up with a twist after he told them he was going to walk? We can see this one going either way, honestly
Ultimately, the Mooch revealed to the Houseguests that he was never really playing the game and that all of his odd comments throughout his time in the house was actually setting up an unprecedented second Power of Veto competition before this first eviction.
The bad news for Ryan Lochte, though, was because he had already nominated Anthony, he had to replace him immediately. Ryan was still on girl-group mode, thinking he needed to take them out, but he apparently didn't think Kandi Burruss was part of that so he targeted her, thinking back door for his Olympic pal Lolo Jones.

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View StoryKandi on the Block
Kandi did not take this well, and as she's not someone who can hide what she's feeling, everyone knew it. And when she rebuffed Ryan's attempt to hug her, it was patently clear that she wasn't having it. Honestly, it was just the latest move in a relatively disastrous social game; one she's playing with equal aplomb alongside Tamar Braxton.
Some dated beef going back to a concert tour they were both on where Tamar was feeling disrespected by Kandi backstage and Kandi claims to have no idea what Tamar is talking about spilled into an ongoing feud/screaming-match inside the "CBB" house. Don't you know that paints a huge target on your back?
Honestly, both Tamar and Kandi need to watch it with that. We applaud their ability to put their issues aside when it's time to talk game, but they're also living inside this game with their opponents. If they make life hell for them during every other moment, one of them will get booted just so everyone else can enjoy some peace and quiet.
And with Kandi on the block, those discussions were had heading into this week's vote.

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View StoryPower Of Veto 2.0
What she should have done instead was take her lumps like Joey Lawrence after Kato Kaelin won Mooch's Power of Veto comp and took off his ride-or-die Tom Green. Ryan backed down from his conviction to backdoor Lolo after talking to her and targeted a pawn instead. It turns out he has a heart.
He also has more of a brain than he let on, letting Jonathan know after Ricky opted out of using that first Power of Veto that he saw Tamar and Natalie Eva Marie share a triumphant handshake hand motion. They were indicating joy because Ricky had spilled that Ryan wanted to target Lolo. Ryan saw it as proof of a girls' alliance against the guys, and he's not wrong.
And so he did some damage control, sitting down with Lolo as a friend and lying through his teeth when she called him out to his face about his backdoor plan. It also quashed that plan immediately, which means she deserves kudos for being so brazen about it, and he deserves kudos for reading the layout of the house and making the smart move.

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View StoryHouseguest Report Cards
Ricky Williams continues to run very cool and calm. He's proving to be very clever and adept in the strategy behind this game. He's not making any enemies at this stage of the game, and has the pulse on what's going on. He's sitting back and letting the sparks fly. We'd say not being in an alliance puts him at a disadvantage, but he still has time and alliances have been blowing up anyway. Grade: A
Lolo Jones made a bold move by confronting Ryan's backdoor plan head on when he talked to her. Now, he did have to initiate, but by coming at it directly and not tiptoeing around it, she was able to play on their history together and convince him not to backdoor her and even deny that was ever the plan. Grade: B+
Natalie Eva Marie is aligned still with the all-girls' alliance, which remains the largest intact alliance in the house, even if half of its members are in annoying fight. It probably won't last, but for now she's in a good power position, and her ride-or-die is just as formidable as she is athletically. Grade: B+
Ryan Lochte redeemed his game somewhat by talking to Lolo and opting out of putting her on the block. He still has a problem, though, in that he put Kandi on the block with no warning and she hasn't let him explain his reasoning to her. And if he's smart he'll tell her she was a pawn, too, as he wanted Tom out or something. It's time for Ryan to show some flexibility and loyalty beyond Jonathan. Grade: B
Tamar Braxton is good at this game, and she should be doing much better at it. She probably would be, too, if she could just stop fighting with Kandi over something from so long ago. If they can't talk it out here, then they need to shut up because they're standing out for all the wrong reasons. People have been voted out for less offenses than constant fighting and yelling. If she stops now, she can redeem her game. Grade: B-
Tom Green is a smarter player than many people in the game think he is, and he's clearly in a power-two alliance with Kato Kaelin, which could be good or it could be bad. He hasn't won anything yet and no one sees him as a real threat, so his best bet is to keep doing what he's doing and hope he can fade behind the drama again. Grade: B-

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View StoryKato Kaelin made a huge statement this week by not only winning the Power of Veto, but using it on his rider-or-die and best friend in the house, Tom. On the one hand, it was a baller move and proved that he's here to play this game. On the other hand, it exposed a power duo which could be a problem down the road. But no one really sees them as a threat, so they should be good for a bit here. Grade: C+
Joey Lawrence is the ultimate floater, and his save-me speech tonight proved that he's not even here to win the game. He's just having a good time. With no alliances and no sense of loyalty to anyone, that we know of yet, who knows how Joey's game is going to go. But if he doesn't figure out some direction soon, he'll just hang around until there's no reason for someone who is playing the game to keep him anymore. Grade: C
Kandi Burruss is actively fighting with Tamar and she pushed back Ryan's attempt to hug her after he nominated her for eviction. We get that emotions were high and are heightened in the house, but if she can't put a reign on hers she'll probably go even before Tamar does. The house is sick of the fighting and she's not bonding even with the other girls as much as Tamar. She needs to make a change and fast. Grade: C-
Dina Lohan is going to be targeted as soon as someone wants an easy week with no blood on their hands. She's probably the least likely to win a competition in the house, she has no strong alliances with anyone and no one even really notices her at all until it's time to make an easy choice for eviction. Grade: D
Jonathan Bennett played himself harder than anyone, and Julie Chen was absolutely right that it happened when he convinced Ryan not to put Dina up after the alliance had decided she was their choice and then no one went to the girls to clue them in. He mismanaged communication and made himself look like he thought he was a puppet master. They knew he was a fan of the show and a strong competitor, so they took their shot when they had it. Grade: F
Anthony Scaramucci was never really in the house... or he was and this was some eleventh-hour story change. Either way, the Mooch is gone and his time in the house was reduced to a veto competition. Julie promised more twists to come, so it remains to be seen if he'll be a part of any of them. As it stands, he was a fun twist and we're sad to see him go before he gave us any really good juice about the president. Grade: NA?

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"Once Ricky said, 'I'm not going to use the Power of Veto,' I looked in the mirror and I see Tay-Tay go like this [palm up gesture] and then Natalie goes [wiggling their fingers together]." Ryan"Do you think you're coming after me?" Jonathan (yes, yes we do)
"Apparently, one celebrity is not an actual Houseguest and is actually part of a huge twist that will shake up the game."
"Hello guys, surprise. I'm actually not a 'Big Brother' Houseguest, but I'm part of a 'Big Brother' twist. And just like I left my mark in Washington, I'm going to leave my Mark on the 'Big Brother' game. First off, from this moment on, I'm out of the house. That means you're all one step closer to the quarter-million dollar prize."
"You know the 'Big Brother' house, it's just like my experience in Washington. You get judged quickly before people really know who you are and you never get a second chance.. Well that's about to change, because I'm giving the current nominees a second chance at safety. For the first time ever, there will be two Veto competitions prior to the eviction."
"I nominate Kandi. I'm nominating you because our personalities don't mesh and I haven't really like talked to you much, so like I'm sorry, I'm choosing you.""Did I do something to you."
"Is anybody else happy that Kandi's on the block? Well no. I'm happy." Tamar
"This competition is about my favorite thing: me. So I hope you've been paying attention." Anthony (setting up Mooch's Veto Comp)
"Don't come try to hug me now. You said we ain't bonded yet, so let's not bond." Kandi
"I'm in a final two alliance with Kato Kaelin. Hollywood is weird." Tom
"I'm just not sure putting up Lolo will be the best decision. I'm just so confused and so tired of hurting people's feelings and getting blood on my hands." Ryan
"I'm pretty stressed. I'm kind of in the middle of a lot of drama right now. I am like a sitting duck." Kandi (about being on the block)
"I gotta go or Julie's gonna get mad." Jonathan (after eviction)
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