Legend's comments come after Ice Cube, 50 Cent and Lil Wayne voiced their support for President Trump's reelection, while Cube lashed out at "SNL" for mocking them over the weekend.
John Legend's candidate of choice is clear, as he was one of several A-list celebrities who joined Joe Biden on the last day of the campaign Monday night in Philadelphia. While there, Legend laid into those rappers who'd recently shown support to Trump.
His comments come on the heels of "Saturday Night Live" shining its satirical spotlight on two of them, Lil Wayne and Ice Cube. In the sketch, when Jim Carrey's Joe Biden asked the pair why they supported Trump, they replied quickly, "Taxes."

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View StoryWhile Cube did put laughing/crying emojis with his immediate response to the clip, which he shared on Twitter, he also made it pretty clear that he took issue with the what he called the show "trying to reduce me to greed."
Cube came under fire initially after a Trump senior advisor thanked him for working with the White House on a plan for Black America, their Platinum Plan.
While Cube subsequently said he'd not yet decided how he would vote, he vowed to work with whoever was in the White House after the election for the Black community via his own Contract with Black America.
Lil Wayne and 50 Cent, however, have publicly thrown their support behind Trump, while Lil Pump actually joined Trump on stage in Michigan, where he was promptly called "Little Pimp" by the president.
Legend is not here for any of it, trashing the Platinum Plan and putting the rappers on notice with some very harsh words.
"Some people see the meanness, the bullying, the selfishness of Donald Trump and they mistake it for strength, a kind of twisted masculinity," he said Monday night. "Some people see his greed and they mistake it for being good at business."

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View StoryLegend then targeted the rappers themselves, saying, "Some of your former favorite rappers have been taken in by these lies. I think they’ve even founded a new super group. It’s called the Sunken Place," a reference to the horror film "Get Out."
"Trump's Platinum Plan for Black folks is nothing but fool's gold, because you can't bank on a word he says," Legend said.
"Ask the students of Trump University. Ask all of the contractors he stiffed. Ask people his charity was supposed to help before it was shut down for being a fraud. Ask all the Black and Brown Americans who are dying from this virus and losing their jobs under his watch."
"The president isn't strong," Legend continued. "He's a coward. And his career in business and in government has been failure after failure after failure. We need a president we can trust."
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