There must be something in the water in L.A. -- because only five golden tickets were handed out in last night's bizarre Los Angeles audition episode of "American Idol."
With wacko after wacko lining up to sing in front of Randy Jackson, Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler, only a few really stood out for being good rather than crazy.
One of the night's best performers came from a MySpace online contest -- with Karen Rodriguez impressing the judges with Whitney Houston's "You Give Good Love" (See the audition above!). Another standout was the brother pairing of Marc and Aaron Gutierez -- whose performance of "Lean On Me" we posted yesterday.
The rest of the episode was a freakshow -- with a delusional record producer, a crazy lady chasing Randy through the audition room and a guy who called himself "Human Tornado."
Check out the pics of last night's craziest moments!