This legend in their field was grateful for the elimination, telling the panel, "I didn't want to go much further, so thank you for releasing me."
This week introduced a new batch of six performers to "The Masked Singer" stage, and there was not a White Tiger among them. That's our way of saying that none of them sucked!
In fact, there were some solid vocals throughout the night, and one contestant even showed White Tiger how you can hit this stage with a rap performance and absolutely slay it.

The Masked Singer Unmasks Yet Another Legend and Twitter Is Furious It Wasn't White Tiger
View StoryWe're feeling pretty confident that there's another legend or two among this group, including an iconic voice and possible comedy giant. At the same time, none of these artists quickly gave away their identities, with the panel all over the place.
That said, there's one we felt pretty good about right away based on the clues, which is pretty good this season!
As for the big reveal, hilariously, the ousted celebrity actually thanked the panel for eliminating them from the competition as they admitted they didn't have much more to give and were kind of sweating the idea of going too far.
Frog, Elephant, Kitty, Taco, Mouse, and Banana all hit the stage, but only five survived into next week's round. Who joined Lil Wayne as a one-and-done star this week? And were they as big a star (we'd say yes)?
As always, the weakest performer got the boot, but we're still going to make you power through the terrible (and occasionally good) guesses made by our illustrious panel of Robin Thicke, Jenny McCarthy, Ken Jeong and Nicole Scherzinger first. We do this because we love ... to torture you._

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View StoryFROG
Frog put White Tiger to shame by showing that he can dance and rap, though he sounded a lot like MC Hammer on "U Can't Touch This." He even performed it the same way. But seriously, Frog has rhythm, energy and a rock-solid flow, making him a born entertainer. If he's not a singer/rapper, then he could have been.
Guesses: We didn't get a lot to work with, but thought the $100, $5 and $1 bills might reference a radio station: 105.1? Clues included lightning and '96 Olympics, as well as jump. Could be frog puns or an Olympic athlete, maybe?
She thought Michael Johnson, Ken thinks Carl Lewis. But Nicole thinks it's someone she knows from music, thinking Ray-J over spilled hushpuppies. The bottom line is they're not so sure just yet.
The internet was laughing at that last guess, but feeling confident that this was Bow Wow, with them interpreting $106 as "106 & Park," which he hosted in the 2010s. Would definitely explain those rap skills.
The frog is Bow Wow. Atlanta reference with the 1996 Olympics. The leftovers equals doggy bag!$106 equals 106 & Park! He left the industry due to drama. #TheMaskedSinger
Don't want to jump to conclusions but the frog is Bow Wow #TheMaskedSinger
The frog is Bow Wow! I just know it. There was 106 dollars for 106 and park. There was a thumbs up on a mic representing his movie Like Mike. #TheMaskedSinger
Elephant is definitely not a professional singer, even though he can hold a tune and has a decent enough voice. But he didn't really do anything with the song other than give a good, understated karaoke version of it. His stage moves were stilted and he proved he hasn't learned the art of breath control for singing, either, so this is definitely him stepping out of what he's known for.
Guesses: The judges immediately were thinking athlete for this one, though he also talked about being a one-man show and leading movements through "white houses." Perhaps an athlete with social justice or political focuses like Colin Kaepernick.
Jenny thought Lance Armstrong with a bicycle image in the package, which also included drums and an ice cream box. Nick shut down Travis Barker as not being this tall, so she went with Tommy.
Ken went crazy with Beto O'Rourke as a pick, which would be the most bonkers casting yet on this show if true, but was in line with the general confusion dominating Twitter, with guesses ranging from Paul McCartney to Tony Hawk.
Yeah... I have no clue who Elephant is, sounds like someone with an accent though #MaskedSinger #TheMaskedSinger
My face watching Elephants clue package... #TheMaskedSinger
No idea who the elephant is #TheMaskedSinger #ElephantMask

The Masked Singer: Comedy Legend Unmasked Keeps Superstar Streak Alive
View StoryKITTY
Kitty is not Ariana Grande, but she has incredible pipes all her own and made "Dangerous Woman" her own as well. This is a polished performer who knows how to be sultry on stage. She was so confident and silky smooth in this delivery both vocally and performance-wise, it would be shocking if she wasn't a professional singer.
Guesses: This diminutive artist had the judges on their feet, but totally lost. She talked about trying to shake off her paste and get a clean slate. Her package had lots of vintage film footage throughout, including wizards, telescopes and pirates.
But then she said no one has seen her like this, making us wonder if that voice is a hidden talent?!?! Nicole thought maybe Julianne Hough or Paris Hilton ... but Paris is taller than that. So Ken thought maybe Nicole Richie, instead.
The internet was all over the place, thinking maybe Sarah Hyland, maybe Chloe Grace Moretz, Vanessa Hudgens, Selena Gomez, Maisie Williams, maybe even Hannah Brown. Well, she can't be all of them but we kind of like Hyland as a guess.
i did not watch 3 high school musicals for the kitty to not be vanessa hudgens i know that voice anywhere gabriella #TheMaskedSinger
Sarah Hyland has to be the Kitty. Plus, the bachelor reference would be her boyfriend who was on that show. #TheMaskedSinger
#TheMaskedSinger I'm pretty sure the "Kitty" is Chloe Grace Moretz! She's mainly known for acting, not singing. And she was in Hugo, featuring the work of George Melies "A Trip to the Moon", which was in the Clues for Kitty
Taco played it cool like salsa, but was hiding a pitch-perfect rat pack vibe when taking on Frank Sinatra's "Fly Me to the Moon." He has the same old-school swagger -- and definitely moves like an older singer -- but with the polish and confidence of a seasoned performer. This was like comfort food for your ears.
Guesses: Taco said that for the first time he feels invisible, which means he is recognized everywhere he goes so he is definitely among the upper echelon of superstars out there. His clue said he'd been around for decades, showing VHS tapes, a Rubik's Cube and even a trolley.
Nicole went full-on legend with Regis Philbin (and Taco did prove he's naturally funny and charming), while Ken feels it's Martin Short. "I can't wait for you to be wrong again," Jenny laughed, as Ken also thought Paul Shaffer was Short.
Robin took that VHS stack to "America's Funniest Home Videos," with a solid Bob Saget guess, as he checks a lot of those boxes, including the San Francisco trolley for "Full House."
Nevertheless, the internet was quickly thinking it might be Tom Bergeron, Seth MacFarlane or Tim Allen (some took those "Toy Story" clues and made their way to Tom Hanks ... would he do this silly show?
Let's Taco 'bout this! Tim Allen the Taco. There was an infinity and beyond reference, Toy Story/Buzz Lightyear, and he sung the song Fly Me To The Moon. Also, he wants to be the last one standing right? That's referencing his current show, Last Man Standing. #TheMaskedSinger
The Taco is Tom Bergeron. I have literally never been more sure of anything in my life. #TheMaskedSinger
People thinking Taco is Tim Allen when it's definitely Tom Hanks 😂#TheMaskedSinger #TheMaskSinger #fox #toystory #whoareyou

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View StoryMOUSE
Mouse did not move an inch throughout that performance, but she nevertheless pulled everyone in with what is clearly an iconic voice in music. It also has a unique grit and rasp to it that really added soul and depth to Oleta Adams' "Get Here." Just a beautiful performance.
Guesses: Our immediate instinct was Tina Turner, just based on size and voice, and we haven't even processed the clues like "1979," Warriors, football, the "bang bang formation" and whatever she meant by saying she had a "walk-on role."
The hardest part for her in this whole process is the inability to talk as she's just a chatterbox who talks to everybody. Nicole thought maybe Darlene Love because she was in "Leader of the Field."
Robin went with Dionne Warwick because he had nothing, while Ken once again went off on his own thinking this was an impression of a legend by Maya Rudolph. Yeah, no.
In fact, the internet thinks Robin got it just right and that was Dionne Warwick inside that tiny costume. This may be the most committed to any guess they were tonight.
The mouse sounds like Dionne Warwick.... #TheMaskedSinger
Even I know that the mouse is Dionne Warwick. And I never guess anyone right!! #themaskedsinger
Mouse is Dionne Warwick these legends can't mask their voices.#TheMaskedSinger
Banana didn't really challenge himself vocally, but was cool and collected taking on Elvis Presley's "A Little Less Conversation." While we're not sold on him being a singer as a career, he definitely had the confidence of someone who knows exactly what he can sing and how to showcase himself at his best.
Guesses: He actually sounded more nervous just talking, but revealed that he has a kid who inspired his costume. His package had lots of cowboy and blue collar and hangover on the gridiron references. It seemed like a comic of some sort.
Jenny took the collar and hat to think comedian Bill Engvall, while Nicole thought "Hangover" movies and considered Ed Helms. Even Ken had to agree that was a good guess (and he starred in those).
Robin put him saying "hoot" together with a blowfish to come up with Darius Rucker, which should have given us a stronger vocal.
The internet, though, was a little bit all over the place in general, but Bret Michaels emerged as the biggest favorite among their wild guesses that included "Weird Al" Yankovic, Jeff Foworthy and John Travolta.
We're kind of digging the Bret guess, though, if for nothing else than how similar banana and his signature bandana are as words. That's right in line with this pun-tastic show!
The banana is definitely @bretmichaels. I'd know my man anywhere. #themaskedsinger
Watching the Banana I didn't even have to hear him sing because my wife loves him so we have seen him sing atleast 10 times in person. I could just tell by his shuffling of the feet and his moves that it was Brett Michael's. #BandanaMan#TheMaskedSinger
The banana need to do this one time...

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The star who was the most out of his element here was Elephant. Everyone can carry a tune, so it came to who had the least on top of that to offer for us, and that led us here. As for the audience, they were feeling what we were feeling.
Honestly, it's too early in this round and the clues just weren't solid enough for anyone to have confident guesses on this one among the panel ... and we're not so sure, either.
Final guesses from the panel included Jenny standing strong with Lance Armstrong, but Ken Jeong still thinks (for no logical reason) it's Beto O'Rourke. There's no way it was.
Nicole switched up her guess to her pal Steve Aoki because he's a deejay with a neon-themed album coming up, which fits his look. As for Robin, he went with Travis Pastrona because of X Games and crossed drumsticks. Pretty thin there, Robin.
So who was it?
It was Tony Hawk, legendary skateboarder with strong ties to the X Games so Robin wasn't far off. "I had one more song in me but I didn't want to go much further, so thank you for releasing me," he told the panel after his unmasking.
Check out his first post-show interview below:
"The Masked Singer" continues Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET on Fox.
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