"It's not my place and not my business to put those kinds of things out there."
Kailyn Lowry expressed one major regret about the current season of "Teen Mom 2" during Tuesday's reunion.
Of course, one of the night's hottest topics was Lowry claiming -- on camera -- that her then-engaged, ex-husband Javi Marroquin had asked her for sex "in the Wawa parking lot." The allegation blew up once the episode in which she said it aired -- leading to more drama between her, Javi and Lauren Comeau.
Looking back, Lowry said she was "actually really embarrassed about the things that I've said on TV about their situation, because it's not my place and not my business to put those kinds of things out there."

Teen Mom 2 Recap: Kailyn Lowry Claims Ex Tried to 'F--- Me In the Wawa Parking Lot'
View Story"I've been in therapy for a year and I don't think I ever really cared about the consequences or what that looked like after saying things like that, about other people's relationships until now," she added. "I don't want to discuss their relationship anymore, it's just not okay for me to do."
She added that she hopes viewers see the growth she's had over the last year, which she called "the best worst year" she's ever had.
"I learned I should keep my mouth shut a lot more," she added. "I'm very very hard on myself and I need to work on that. I need to give myself some grace. A lot of people, if their lives were on TV in their 20s, it'd be a shit show too!"

Kailyn Lowry Breaks Down as She Reveals Pregnancy with Chris Lopez on Teen Mom 2
View StoryOf course, Javi wasn't the only one Lowry had drama with during the season. She also ran into problems with ex Chris Lopez and his family after she got pregnant with his kid. As viewers saw, Lowry came forward about her pregnancy only because Lopez's aunt had leaked her sonogram on social media -- something she said Tuesday was "the ultimate betrayal."
"That aunt was someone I was the closest to in his family, so it kind of cut extra deep," she explained. "And I was in a place where I didn't know what I wanted to do. I was in a really dark place, it almost felt like she was making the decision for me, because what if I wanted to go through with abortion and she put that out there and then I'd have to deal with that publicly?"
She added she was "very surprised" when Chris showed up for her at-home birth, something she invited him to at the last minute despite them having orders "in place preventing us from even being around each other."
As far as her third baby daddy is concerned, however, Lowry said things between her and Jo Rivera are going well -- and praised counseling with helping them get where they are now.
"Teen Mom OG" kicks off January 26 on MTV.