The wild confession came when Evans was asked if there was ever a question he regrets asking -- and boy was there ever! -- plus, Ryan Reynolds dodging the show and the stealthiest guest ever.
It's not just the hot wings that get spicy on Sean Evans' talk show.
While appearing on Watch What Happens Live Wednesday night, the Hot Ones host was asked whether there was ever a question he regrets asking on his ever-popular YouTube series, which features guests answering questions while eating chicken wings covered in increasingly spicier hot sauce.
As it turns out, there was one particular moment he'd be hard pressed to forget.

Steve-O Got a Doctor to Paralyze Him From the Waist Down
View Story"Steve-O, in the middle of a shoot, once took a bottle and shoved it up his butt and went, 'No hands,'' Evans told host Andy Cohen of filming a December 2023 holiday special with the Jackass star. "I'm not sure if it was a question that I regret, but I do regret having to have witnessed that."
"Wow. Oh, my God," responded a shocked Cohen.
Steve-O's Oh No!
Steve-O appeared on Hot Ones twice over the years -- once in 2017 and again in 2021 -- before returning for the holiday special in December.
At the end of the episode, Evans awarded the reality star a golden trophy shaped like a hot sauce bottle to commemorate his third time taking the challenge.
It was then Steve-O decided to stand up, drop his pants and commemorate the moment.
"I've always said if I ever were to win an Oscar, that I would want to shove it up my butt as I accepted it on stage," the funny man explained.
"But let's be honest, I'm not gonna fit an Oscar up there -- it'd never get past the shoulders. But this…" he added, as he readied the award and made good on his promise, to the shock and awe of Evans.

Ryan Reynolds & Hugh Jackman Are on Fire, Joking Through Spicy Wings Pain in Hilarious Hot Ones
View StoryDodging Deadpool
Elsewhere in the episode, Evans also dished on some of his more recent WWHL guests, like Deadpool & Wolverine stars Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman.
According to Evans, Reynolds dodged the show for "years" before finally agreeing to partake.
"I'm walking around just looking for a bathroom. … All of a sudden, behind me, I hear, 'I've been avoiding this mother-effer for years.' And I turn around, it's just Ryan Reynolds walking towards me with a big smile on his face," Evans recalled. "From that moment, I knew it'd be a good episode."
As for his most stealth guest to date? That would have to go to Ariana Grande, who recently appeared on the show and breezed through the wings challenge without breaking a sweat.