President Donald Trump has Hollywood screaming over two controversial moves he made in one night.
On Friday evening, POTUS pardoned former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who was found guilty of criminal contempt last month after illegally targeting Latinos in Arizona. Around the same time, Trump also signed a directive banning transgender military recruits, following his July pledge to ban transgender people from serving in any branch of the United States Armed Forces.

Hollywood Tears Into Donald Trump's Trans Military Ban
View StoryHere's Trump's official White House statement regarding Arpaio:
Today, President Donald J. Trump granted a Presidential pardon to Joe Arpaio, former Sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona. Arpaio's life and career, which began at the age of 18 when he enlisted in the military after the outbreak of the Korean War, exemplify selfless public service. After serving in the Army, Arpaio became a police officer in Washington, D.C. and Las Vegas, NV and later served as a Special Agent for the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), formerly the Bureau of Narcotics. After 25 years of admirable service, Arpaio went on to lead the DEA's branch in Arizona.
In 1992, the problems facing his community pulled Arpaio out of retirement to return to law enforcement. He ran and won a campaign to become Sheriff of Maricopa County. Throughout his time as Sheriff, Arpaio continued his life's work of protecting the public from the scourges of crime and illegal immigration. Sheriff Joe Arpaio is now eighty-five years old, and after more than fifty years of admirable service to our Nation, he is worthy candidate for a Presidential pardon.
Here's Trump's official tweet regarding Arpaio:
I am pleased to inform you that I have just granted a full Pardon to 85 year old American patriot Sheriff Joe Arpaio. He kept Arizona safe!
Needless to say, Hollywood was ticked. See some of the heat in the tweets below.
Trump's pardon of Arpaio was just 1 more in a series of secret handshakes w the white power movement
Trump's first pardon is Joe Arpaio. We fought to defeat Arpaio's reelection with good reason. He's the worst.
Trump's decision to pardon Sheriff Arpaio is a perversion of justice + demeans the prerogatives of the presidency:
Joe Arpaio has been pardoned. Trump to America: don't fuck with the king!
1) Pardoning #JoeArpaio is utterly disgusting. 2) #shameonyou for your Transgender ban. 3) Glad your Russian spy quit. #goodluckwiththat
A Disgusting Racist Disgrace.
AMERICAN HERO John McCain rips MORONIC Trump for pardoning RACIST FUCKWAD Joe Arpaio via @HuffPostPol
Pardon Me, but There's No Excuse for Pardoning Arpaio
Good night world bring it in
Pardon Cosby next. He kept America amused. Then pardon Manson. He wrote some good songs. Then OJ. He got a lot of yards
Gorka resigned!
But also Trump shamelessly pardoned Arpaio.
Bit from column A, bit from column B.
What else will happen. Are we at war with North Korea yet?
If this pardon is not overturned, GOP has to accept that from this point on ANYTHING is legal, should any President so desire it.
Today's headline: Trump pardons Arpaio.
Tomorrow's headline: Pence pardons Trump.
Fact: #TrumpistheGOP.
You own this. All of it. You have stood idly by with nothing more than a few harsh words. That is not enough @GOP
In last 2 weeks, Trump has stood with Neo-Nazis, white supremacists, anti-transgender folks, and now a racial profiler, civil rights abuser.
dumped news, friday evening ? 🤔 this isnt about trans people or military, its about normalizing hate 😎🌈💕 #WeGotThis
I can't decide if @POTUS is using #HurricaneHarvey to hide trans ban & pardon, or just jealous that it was getting more attention than him.
Yasss come thru @ACLU .....
Transgender family, we will fight beside you. You are not alone.
.@ACLU, DRAG HIM! FUCK YOU 45. Thank you to ALL the troops serving in ALL branches!! #TransIsBeautiful