Kathy Griffin's press conference accusing President Donald Trump of "bullying" her garnered little - or zero - sympathy from conservatives and liberals alike on social media Friday morning.
The comedian cried and joked her way through the minute-and-a-half speech, in which she addressed the controversial photos of her holding a decapitated Trump head and the "death threats" she said she has received since. Ultimately, Griffin accused Trump and his family of trying to ruin her life over a bad joke she's already apologized for, but based on reactions pouring in on Twitter, no one feels all that bad for her.
"What's happening to me has never happened, ever, in the history of this great country, which is that a sitting President of the United States and his grown children and the First Lady are personally, I feel, trying to ruin my life forever. Forever," Griffin said.

Jim Carrey Hints at His Own Fantasy of Hurting Trump While Defending Kathy Griffin
View Story"He broke me," she said, admitting she doesn't believe her career can recover. "And then I was like, no, this isn't right. It's not right. And I apologized because it was the right thing to do, and I meant it."
Griffin used the terms "mob mentality" to describe the large-scale backlash she's faced since the photo was released, but the backlash appears to have only intensified.

'The View' Lays Into Kathy Griffin Over 'Awful' Beheaded Trump Photo: 'She's in Doo Doo' (Video)
View StoryAmericans across the political spectrum are having a hard time accepting the sincerity of Griffin's apology. Here's a sample of the not-so-favorable reactions -- including some blind item "tea" from Demi Lovato, who battled Griffin on Twitter in the past.
I find it funny when bullies play the victims. 🤔
Oops. I spilled my tea. ☕️
Nobody feels bad for you Kathy Griffin. And nobody forced you to hold up a bloody decaptitated head of our president Isis style.
This was a disaster. Almost no sense of personal responsibility, very bizarre perception of reality. https://t.co/TrbWjsVTLV
At long last, the widely divergent paths of Kathy Griffin and Comedy finally converge. https://t.co/c8Z7dCbkL8
Kathy Griffin. Just stop.
We don't care why you did it. You had a right to do it. You did it. You apologized for it.
Now move the hell on.
It's obvious from the Kathy Griffin- @LisaBloom presser that Lisa knew nothing about Kathy's Dec2016 statements about attacking Barron. pic.twitter.com/uyd5x2QY5K
Hillary Clinton and Kathy Griffin are inspiring the young women of America to never ever take responsibility for your own actions
Let's just get our priorities straight - this whole Kathy Griffin thing is covfefe. ;^P
.@LisaBloom and @kathygriffin successfully buried all negative press on POTUS and made Americans more sympathetic to his family. Great job!
Hillary: "I blame Russia, Obama, The DNC & sexism."
Kathy Griffin: "Hold this head..."
Kathy Griffin has the worst PR team of all time. She "decapitated" the president in a photo and then rants about how he's bullying her lmao https://t.co/DHGYqYEPrI
I hope these sensitive souls are feeling better about that awful Kathy Griffin photo. pic.twitter.com/CmVtUzWtv5
Sean Spicer "I haven't talked to Donald Trump about climate change."
But you've talked to him about Kathy Griffin.#Mental #PressBriefing
Kathy Griffin: A Story in Three Parts pic.twitter.com/6nOn1UFcKx
Here's Ms.Poor Me, Kathy Griffin saying: 'I'm happy to deliver a beat down to Donald Trump -- and also to Barron.'
Save the crocodile tears pic.twitter.com/zVNwfiTjQY
Kathy Griffin in December: "...my edge is that I'll go direct for Barron."
And so she did...
Says it all about this sick woman. https://t.co/urDnFqye1o
Seriously....@POTUS should run clips from the Lisa Bloom, Kathy Griffin press conference in his campaign ads for 2020. Both careers over. pic.twitter.com/TpUjZ41Nqs
Kathy Griffin, shut up and go away. Nobody cares.
Her Hypocrisy has no bounds... I just can't even... WTH 🤔
Someone should give Kathy Griffin a bigger shovel.
Kathy Griffin no longer feels safe making death threat jokes.
If you have any sanity you can't possibly defend Kathy Griffin. She literally did this to herself and knew there would be consequences.
Pet peeve: When the wealthy and privileged think they are being "bullied" after being criticized. I'm looking at you, Kathy Griffin
Now @kathygriffin that was your best performance ever. #MAGA
"What's happening to me has never happened ever..." -Kathy Griffin
No celebrity has ever held up a decapitated POTUS head either, Kathy.
Did anyone else feel embarrassed for Lisa Bloom and Kathy Griffin during their presser? Did she take crying lessons from @SenSchumer?? #MAGA
Like other Isis beheaders, Kathy Griffin is now playing the victim and justifying her disgusting actions #LisaBloom