Everyone remembers having fun filling out Mad Libs -- selecting nouns, verbs, adjectives, names of places, etc. -- and reading them back to see what ridiculous stories you came up with. Jimmy Fallon took it to the next level with Sarah Jessica Parker by dramatically acting out their Mad Lib story.
The sketch opened with Parker selecting the random words with no idea where or how they might fit into the story. She and Fallon didn't even know what the scene would be. As it turned out, they were on a romantic date in a fine restaurant ... with cloth tablecloths and everything!
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View Story"This is a great time on this date tonight, 'Popeye,'" Parker said to establish the scene. She talked about her childhood in "Greece for kayaking," and how she left there to move to "Bob's Big Boy." She also shared that she likes to go for long walks to "France," and shared Fallon's passion for "digging."
Earlier when he asked her what she would exclaim coming into a surprise birthday party, Parker went with something she'd actually said once: "I should have washed my hair." Here, she said it in response to the amazing coincidence that Fallon's "Auntie Gramma" also used to live at a "Bob's Big Boy."
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View StoryThe date climaxed with a dramatic poem reading by Parker, but it took a lot to get them both there, as there was almost non-stop giggling throughout.
It turns out that Mad Libs are timeless and still entertaining. But to really capture their true essence, don't just read them back. Hire people to hold cue cards and act them out! Maybe even build a set to make it seem more real. You'll be glad you did.