The twists just keep on coming, as Twitter finds out the comedy writer is also a former rapper named Hot Karl -- who took the "NBA Live 2003" video game soundtrack by storm!
It sounds like a prank right out of a sitcom, but according to comedian and writer Jensen Karp, this is deadly serious. Fans were already invested in his wild claims that he'd found shrimp tails in a box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch. But then they found out who he was, and now they've lost their minds!
It turns out that not only was Karp once an up-and-coming rapper named Hot Karl -- yes, that's real -- but he's also married to Topanga aka "Boy Meets World's" Danielle Fishel.

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View Story"I’m a comedy writer, but like, there’s no joke here," Karp told the New York Times after his photos quickly went viral. "To take down my favorite cereal brand? I don’t even know why that’s a funny joke. I love Cinnamon Toast Crunch. It’s the only cereal I eat. I own the Kyrie Irving Cinnamon Toast Crunch Nikes."
Ummmm @CTCSquares - why are there shrimp tails in my cereal? (This is not a bit) pic.twitter.com/tTjiAdrnVp
— Jensen Karp (@JensenKarp) March 22, 2021 @JensenKarp
While he insists he's not considering legal action at this time, Karp said he wasn't pleased with General Mills' public response to his story and the image of what he claims he found at the bottom of his box of the cereal.
"After further investigation with our team that closely examined the image, it appears to be an accumulation of the cinnamon sugar that sometimes can occur when ingredients aren’t thoroughly blended. We assure you that there’s no possibility of cross contamination with shrimp," said the company in a statement.
The company further said that they are waiting for Karp to send them the box in question, but nevertheless they can "can say with confidence that this did not occur at our facility ... Any consumers who notice their cereal box or bag has been tampered with, such as the clear tape that was found in this case, should contact us."

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View StoryAfter having bought a two-pack of the cereal at his local Costco, Karp had mentioned in his posts that there was what appeared to be clear tape along the bottom of the box, making him suspect it had possibly been tampered with.
But as he further examined the contents at the bottom of the bag, Karp said he noticed "shrimp skins-looking things" as well as something that resembled a pistachio and small black pieces he was concerned might be rat droppings.
"That’s what I’m trying to get tested right now, because that’s the only thing that really matters to me as far as if I can get sick," he told the Times. He said he's not feeling sick, but "if I ate rat poop, we're gonna have to readdress [legal action]."

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View StoryAt the same time, he wasn't thrilled with the cereal brand's response to his initial email, and subsequent viral saga. "All you have to do is say, ‘This is such a bummer, we’re going to look into it. We’re going to recall the ones from your Costco.’ Like, it’s such an easy PR thing to do. But instead, they wanted to basically gaslight me," he said.
"I just want you to fix it, you know, for other people," Karp said. "I'm not even like trying to say like, ‘Be better,’ or whatever. I’m literally just saying, ‘Go investigate it.'"
Well, that's exactly what internet sleuths did, quickly investigating Karp himself. What they found was his former rap alter ego, Hot Karl. And suddenly we really want to hear the phat rhymes Hot Karl might spit over his Shrimp-amon Toast Crunch saga!
You can check out online reactions to the story below, and follow Karp's ongoing saga with General Mills over at his Twitter feed:

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View Storyfirst the cinnamon shrimp then the being married to topanga and now this i can't do it anymore pic.twitter.com/VZROUGfKtM
— chloe naylor (@echochlo) March 24, 2021 @echochlo
Wait until people freaking out about Jensen Karp (the guy with the viral tweet about shrimp in his Cinnamon Toast Crunch tweet) being married to Danielle Fishel (Topanga from Boy Meets World) find out he was semi famous white rapper Hot Karl. https://t.co/HkPsRfzd8O
— cthulu plus (@sinistralminded) March 24, 2021 @sinistralminded
— Jensen Karp (@JensenKarp) March 24, 2021 @JensenKarp
Me explaining the Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Topanga saga to my dad 🦐: pic.twitter.com/xNOnWOEZvS
— Union-made DSA Flag🌹 (@CranesNoSkyhook) March 24, 2021 @CranesNoSkyhook
Does it help to know that apparently he used to rap and his Rapper name was...Hot Karl?
— Dave Blazina (@d_blaz) March 24, 2021 @d_blaz
Oh and Cinnamon Toast crunch shrimp guy married to Topanga is *also* former rapper Hot Karl (rapping since he was 11), had a record deal, and was a freestylist. So there’s that. https://t.co/LzTU7r5Kf8
— Scott Hanselman (@shanselman) March 24, 2021 @shanselman
I can’t believe this is all factually correct. https://t.co/imBd8Ts62c
— Jensen Karp (@JensenKarp) March 24, 2021 @JensenKarp
150% chance that Sean put the shrimp in Topanga’s husbands Cinnamon Toast Crunch pic.twitter.com/pCUEMZPPe4
— Dr Grayfang (@DrGrayfang) March 24, 2021 @DrGrayfang
jensen karp!!!?!?
— sasha (@SETiLamarr) March 24, 2021 @SETiLamarr
hot karl
cinnamon toast crunch shrimp tails
am i having a stroke
Jensen Karp going viral needs to result in this song becoming a TikTok challengehttps://t.co/bIDFK2fL6l
— Justin Ivey (@JustinIvey_) March 24, 2021 @JustinIvey_
you will NOT believe what I found in my cinnamon toast crunch today pic.twitter.com/xZYqHKqnmB
— stuart fiddle (@stuartfiddle) March 23, 2021 @stuartfiddle
wait are you telling danielle FISHel is married to a guy whose last name is KARP and they found SHRIMP in cinnamon toast crunch???? get aquaman on the case
— Lauren Nicholas 🐱 (@colormelauren) March 24, 2021 @colormelauren
The guy who found the shrimp tails is named Jensen Karp, apparently used to rap as "Hot Karl", and is married to Danielle Fishel, who used to play Topanga on Boy Meets World.
— Grand Moff Snarkin, The Funkular Fury (@N7IRL) March 24, 2021 @N7IRL
Because reality is apparently being written by machine learning.
I can’t get over this guy getting into bed, thinking about how crazy his life has become since he found shrimp in his CTC, laughing about the absurdity of it all, then rolling over and there is Topanga
— Fletch (@fandtheny) March 24, 2021 @fandtheny
Cinnamon Toast Crunch shrimp tail guy is married to Topanga and that completes 2021 bingo for me.
— Scott Hanselman (@shanselman) March 24, 2021 @shanselman